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蕎 麥又名烏蕎、花麥或三角麥,原產於中國大陸西南山區,主要分普通蕎麥及韃靼苦蕎兩個品種,並且只有四川省涼山彝族自治州才能種植出優質的韃靼苦蕎,當地人也是以韃靼苦蕎為維持健康體魄的主要糧食。蕎麥在中國栽種的歷史十分悠久,遠在二千多年前的《神農書》已載有種植蕎麥的記錄。古代的著名醫書中亦有蕎麥療 病的記載,《本草網目》記載韃靼苦蕎能「實腸胃,益氣力,續精神,能練五髒滓穢」及「降氣寬腸,磨積滯,消熱腫風痛」,證明了中國祖先早就發現了韃靼苦蕎 的多種功效,並在保健方面加以利用。


自蕎麥由草本療法歷史悠久的中國傳入注重健康的日本後,一直都被視為健康食品首位,光是吃法就至少有 100 種了﹗每逢重大節日,家家戶戶都會吃蕎麥麵,以示「長壽興旺」;甚至搬家時都會吃蕎麥食品,以示「喬遷之喜」;由此可見,蕎麥已被日本人視作健康的祝福了 ﹗其實他們早就注意到韃靼苦蕎當中豐富的營養所帶來的多種功效,他們不但會把加工後的韃靼苦蕎加入飯中一起進食,還會每天飲用韃靼苦蕎茶呢﹗因此,時常將 韃靼苦蕎茶伴在身邊的日本人,能時刻保持心腦血管健康、面色紅潤、肌膚細嫰﹗


Buckwheat · Tea The Famous Delicious Health Tea in Japan


Buckwheat is an ancient plant with long history, mainly grown in plateau area in Southwest China . There are mainly two types of buckwheat: Common Buckwheat and Tatary Buckwheat. Numerous records of Tatary Buckwheat have been found in ancient Chinese medical references. It is recorded that Tatary Buckwheat is useful in restoring energy and promoting gastrointestinal health.


After Buckwheat has been introduced to Japan , the health-conscious Japanese are so delighted to put Buckwheat at high hierarchy in their daily diets. Buckwheat becomes the synonymous of “health” in Japan . The effective health functions of Tatary Buckwheat help Japanese to maintain cardiovascular health, healthy-looking face and silky smooth skin, and this is also the reason for Buckwheat Tea is such a famous health tea in Japan .


Buckwhea Tea 蕎麥茶

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